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Apr 20
9:00 am - 9:40 am
How Compassion Reverses Climate Change
40 mins
It is indisputable that when the world adopts a compassionate vegan ethic and lifestyle while rewilding the planet on the land freed up from animal agriculture, it will have adopted the most effective course of action to reverse climate change, restore the integrity of the biosphere and halt the collapse of ecosystems. Then, why are the UN COPs not promoting this solution, while still serving meat, dairy, fish and eggs in their global conferences? We will examine the inconsistent greenhouse gas emissions accounting conventions in UN reports and how this inconsistent accounting projected a false framing of the climate change problem, thereby misleading the world for over three decades.
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9:40 am - 10:00 am
Questions & Answers
20 mins
YJA Lighting Roundtable: “Compassion and Social Justice”
10:00 am - 10:15 am
The Compassionate Path to Liberation: From Jainism to Secular Contexts
15 mins
Liberation is a loaded term with theological and political meanings. As a politically-driven term, liberation encompasses a long history of social justice movements to achieve emancipation. In Jainism, liberation has loosely translated to the attainment of moksha, when a soul emancipates itself from the cycle of birth and death. While social justice movements serve as examples of the path to liberation in the secular sense, scriptural texts, theological commentary, and biographical accounts of a figure like the historical Mahavira are able to suggest the path to liberation in Jainism.

In examining criminal justice, war, materialism, veganism, protest, free speech, along with economic and gender equality, the Jain and secular, socially just, views on each issue can be compared. This allows us to answer the key question: How does the Jain path to liberation compare to a secular path to liberation? Similarities and contrasts may suggest a deeper relation to engaging Jainism in fostering a compassionate world.
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10:15 am - 10:30 am
Beyond Privilege: The Human Costs of Withholding Compassion from Animals
15 mins
This talk challenges misconceptions head-on, revealing veganism as a movement rooted in deeply interconnected social justice and compassion, not privilege. With a sharp, critical lens, we'll expose three powerful truths: first, that marginalized communities have long been at the forefront of animal compassion, often serving as the strongest voices for human social justice—outrightly rejecting the myth that veganism is 'for the privileged.' Second, we'll examine how animal agriculture disproportionately harms marginalized humans, from worker PTSD to pollution devastating low-income, oppressed communities. Finally, we'll confront the troubling reality of 'exploitative shielding' where privileged voices use the struggles of the oppressed to excuse their own choices, worsening resource disparities that hit these communities hardest. This talk issues a call for truth: ignoring the inconceivable suffering of trillions of non-humans only compounds the harm and social injustice against humans and other animals—especially when done under the guise of compassion and social justice.
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10:30 am - 10:45 am
Jainism, Compassion, and Systemic Racism: Jains can't really know where we're going unless we know where we've been
15 mins
Compassion and non-violence are core components of the Jain philosophy. Yet, there can be tension between teachings on how we should relate to others and teachings focused on renouncing the material world and material concerns. These tensions are sharply illustrated with questions about politics and social justice. When should we speak up? What should we say? What historical context is it important for us to know? This short talk will present an argument for why, as lay people, learning about and engaging with issues of systemic inequality and racism is necessary to fully practice non-violence and compassion in today's world.
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10:45 am - 11:00 am
Healing Divides with Jain Compassion: Bridging Polarized Societies and Social Media Divides
15 mins
Polarization often becomes a self-reinforcing cycle, where once divides are established, they are amplified by social, economic, political, and psychological factors. The media plays a significant role in perpetuating and deepening these divides, and as society becomes more polarized, healing those rifts becomes increasingly difficult. Political leaders and elites may exploit these divisions, solidifying them further, which in turn fosters more division and reduces the willingness to seek compromise. To break this cycle, we must address its root causes by fostering open dialogue, empathy, and understanding across differences. As social media becomes our primary platform for news and community interaction, a transformative approach is essential. Jainism offers valuable virtues to guide us in this transformation: Ahimsa (Non-Violence) in communication, Anekantavada (Multiple Perspectives) in navigating digital spaces, and Maitri Bhavna (Friendliness) in online interactions. These Jain principles provide a framework for shifting the narrative from division to compassionate engagement in our increasingly digital world.
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11:00 am - 11:30 am
Roundtable Discussion and Q&A
30 mins
“Compassion-in-Action” with Leaders in the Jain Community
11:30 am - 11:45 am
The Art of Giving: Practical Strategies for a More Compassionate Worl
15 mins
Compassionate living is deeply fulfilling and has the power to transform both individuals and communities. While many people feel a strong desire to contribute meaningfully to the well-being of others, they often struggle to find tangible ways to take action. This presentation will explore various projects we have developed that embody compassionate service, highlighting their impact and accessibility. I will outline the foundational steps required to initiate similar initiatives in your own community and provide practical guidance on how to implement compassionate practices in ways that align with your unique circumstances. Whether you are seeking to start a new project or integrate compassion-driven action into your existing work, this session will offer valuable insights and actionable strategies to support your journey.
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11:45 am - 12:00 pm
The Healing Energy of Compassion: From Cells to Communities
15 mins
How does engaging in the practice of compassion affect our minds, bodies, and the world? Can our compassionate energy actually reach out and heal others in measurable ways? In this brief presentation, clinical psychologist and psychoneuroimmunology researcher Dr. Shamini Jain will provide a brief overview of the power of compassion to heal, from cells to communities - drawing from research in the scientific disciplines of social neuroscience, psychoneuroimmunology, and biofield science. Dr. Jain will also draw the links between ancient compassionate healing practices and principles in Jainism, suggesting possibilities for future research, and community practice.
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12:00 pm - 12:15 pm
Compassion-in-Action: The Transformative Journey of Home of Hope, Inc.
15 mins
Compassion is a universal force within us all—often dormant, yet capable of extraordinary transformation when awakened. Home of Hope, Inc. (HOH), a California-based nonprofit, exemplifies this principle through 25 years of empowering disadvantaged children to become self-sustaining citizens of tomorrow. Operating with a unique model of pure volunteerism and zero administrative overhead, HOH has impacted over 200,000 lives globally, spanning India, California, and beyond.

Through programs in education, vocational training, mental health, and support for the hearing impaired, HOH has created a ripple effect of change that transcends borders. From supporting over 20 life-changing initiatives in India to partnering with local efforts in California that help low-income and immigrant students break the cycle of poverty, HOH showcases the boundless potential of compassion in action.

This talk will explore how HOH has evolved from a charity into a movement, igniting the innate compassion within individuals from all walks of life, including celebrities and other influential figures. Attendees will be inspired by stories of transformation and discover how compassion, when mobilized, becomes a catalyst for lasting change. Together, we'll reflect on how each of us can channel our own compassion to create a better world.
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12:15 pm - 12:30 pm
Ahimsa Activism to curb the Epidemic of Gun Violence in America
15 mins
This session is designed to inculcate an appreciation for the overarching philosophy of Ahimsa emanating from the four religions that started in India: Jainism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. This session will go on to cover the 200+ history and evolution of gun violence in America and how it has become an epidemic in the 20th century. We have seen time and again that each act of violence is succeeded by prayers, candles, flowers, widespread media coverage, and resolution to act but nothing really happens. When more than one million people get killed due to guns in our country since 1990, we call it Gun Holocaust. One person gets killed by guns every 11 minutes in America. Second Amendment is vague and confusing and totally outdated. NRA support for gun lobbyists causes loss of precious human lives including children in schools and youth in colleges. Compassion for human lives is the answer and not the unending politics of second amendment and NRA.
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12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
Roundtable Discussion and Q&A
30 mins